With web based products and services the mantra is:
leverage, leverage, leverage.
Creating a stunning website design, a powerful web application or some smart little jQuery JavaScript plug-in is great, but only the first step in many to making money out of all your hard work. Woolgoo V3's WooStore and global reseller network provides you with the leverage required to turn your ideas into gold.



Fast to build, fast to market
A good idea is only good if it is fast to market - the WooStore gives you this and more.
Always open
The Woostore is open 24/7 for business and with its integrated payment system is quick, easy and simple to use.
Categorised, searchable and promoted
Easy-to-find, easy-to-buy, always promoted.
Fast to build, fast to market
A well known saying in business is that "A good idea is only good if it is fast to market". This usually pertains to the cost of developing a product and the length of time taken to pay that investment back - i.e. even a low cost development will become unaffordable if it takes years to pay that investment back. Woogloo V3 have devised a way to quickly monetize your investment in building website design templates, web applications and smart gadgets for use on websites or web applications: the WooStore.
Simply changing the For Sale property on any Woogloo V3 app, template or Gadget to "on" immediately puts it into the WooStore ready to sell. Add a short description and, via a WYSIWYG editor, a rich full description with screen shots and more, then leave the hard work to our global Reseller network to get it sold.
This instant 'For Sale' function also ensures you can develop something and deploy it on a client's website straight away*. Our goal is to help you use the WooStore to gain an immediate return on your investment and a way of easily transferring designs and functionality around within the Woogloo V3 platform.
Always open
The WooStore is open 24/7 and, as it is imbedded on every page of every website and application inside the Woogloo V3 system: thus it is right in every potential customer's face - they just cannot escape it. This gives your products maximum exposure to your target market. We even promote the latest products on the front of the Command Center Gadget so that customers can't fail to see what you are up to.
With our in-built payment system, your clients can quickly and easily pay for any products using their stored credit card and get immediate delivery - no downloading, installing, setting up or waiting for delivery of license keys or email verifications, etc. Quick, easy and simple to use. Your Woogloo statement is immediately credited with 60% of the purchase price and you can draw on those funds at any time**. What is more, if you are both the developer and the purchasing client's Reseller, you get 80% of the purchase price.
Categorised, searchable and promoted
With our powerful Category system and search functionality, client's can find exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily - even if they are searching amongst thousands of products. You can ensure they find your product by adding a range of appropriate keyword Tags.
All new added products get automatically promoted on the front of the Command Center Gadget to ensure clients can see all the new and exciting products available in the WooStore. Your products may even be featured in other communications to clients (contact us to find out how you can get your products promoted).
Woogloo is constantly thinking of new ways to market the Woogloo platform and all WooStore products. The WooStore is an integral part of everything we do, so is vital to our ongoing sales and marketing plans. Therefore, you products have a high probability of getting found by your target market***.
*Woogloo will check all added WooStore products for quality as well as any breaches of its terms and conditions and take down offending products without prior notice. You will be informed and given an opportunity to reapply to have it listed.
**Funds take from 3-5 days to transfer to your account.
***While every effort is made by Woogloo to promote your products, sales success is not guaranteed.