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Lightspeed Application Design & Development (LADDTM)

Imagine how quickly and easily you can design and develop a complex web application then halve that estimate, halve it again, and even then you may not be close to what Woogloo V3 can enable you to do.

An fully integrated mega foundation to build on

The foundation of a house takes about a month to build, a skyscraper foundation takes about 3-6 months to build. Woogloo V2's foundation took about a month to build, whereas Woogloo V3's foundation has taken over 5 years to complete. Imagine the size of the system you could build on that rock!

Woogloo V3 is not just another CMS, it is a full browser based Integrated Development Environment (IDE). However, we have taken it a step further. With so many important systems already built in you do not need to 'start-from-scratch' to develop a high-end, high-quality and robust system with a modern GUI environment including drag and drop features. The base apps that every Woogloo V3 website comes with provide a fully integrated set of business applications, which gives you a powerful and solid foundation you can create your client's dream solution on.

But we have gone even further. The Woogloo V3 system is built to make business-to-business integration as easy as dragging a box. For example: suppliers can easily enable resellers to e-commerce their products with data drawn straight from their stock management system; franchisors can give each franchisee a website that is fully integrated to the head office's systems (client, stock, accounting data and more). You can easily create your own business-to-business integrated apps using the universal Woogloo ID system. The live database handlers provide and consume JSON to also make integration to external systems quick and easy.

Browser based IDE

Some systems claim what we truly provide. With Woogloo V3 you can code directly in the browser window. However, this is not just simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript, but also serverside coding using Freemarker and Groovy.

As usual, we take this a step further by automatically building the Groovy database handlers (Get, Set and Delete) code for you when you add your own tables and fields. The code we create comes with the returned or consumed JSON object lay-up, lots of commenting and examples and a range of 'magic' variables you can use within your code. Of course, you can then completely rewrite this code to suit your exact requirements.

The coding environment combined with our Gadget system enables super fast, easy and flexible development of reusable smart and fully configurable objects. Image building an email templating system that has columns you can drag on, drag to adjust the width and style any way you want. Well we have. What is more, the whole email marketing app only took 3½ days to build - and it has lots more features beside just those.

CRM, Accounting, Stock Management and more

So often one needs to build a system that has complex user management systems for who can use/edit/view what, when and how. One may also need some way of integration billing or stock management and, especially for web apps, e-commerce systems. With Woogloo V3, every website has a full CRM system, stock management system, accounting system, automated billing system, POS and extremely powerful e-commerce system built-in - at no extra cost. This means you can be confident that you have the foundation required to build any type and size of system quickly and easily.

We give you a range of 'magic' variables to use within your code (including inside your JavaScript, HTML or CSS code using Freemarker) and access to Global handlers that safely wire up the appropriate tables that make up these core systems. Using these same handlers - and any others you may write - you can integrate the entire Woogloo V3 platform to any external systems or resources using simple JSON formatted data.

Static, Instance, Page and User values

Every Gadget comes complete with static, instance, page and user values to create a truly dramatic context sensitive system.

Static values are the default values set by the author of a Gadget. Instance values control the configuration of the instance of a Gadget dropped onto the page. All Gadget instances (and a page can have multiple instances of one Gadget) propagate to all children of the page it has been dropped onto. Page values override any Instance values, but just for the page they are set on and User values override all other values for the logged in user. Which is where things get very interesting for context sensitive CMS and app development.

With Woogloo V3 we have created a whole new type of dynamic UI for web design. An environment that enables one to create 'one-page' dynamic websites by simply dropping a Gadget on a page. Many of the apps we have built have these extra Gadgets as part of the offering (e.g. the News Manager and Event Manager apps). However, you can build your own context sensitive Gadgets using our native smart systems. These include moveable and resizable dialog boxes that 'stay configured' for any user who has logged into a website that also shrink to a slide out side button for reopening them. Simply include the native Dialog UI code in your HTML (see below) - job done.

<#import "ui.ftl" as ui>
<@ui.dialog title="Dialog box title" hidden="true" updateGadgetPosition="true">
Dialog contents goes here

jQuery is also included within the Woogloo V3 system and has been extended to make wiring up Gadgets quick and easy (for getting one Gadget to update/change another) while still maintaining code isolation so one JavaScript function does not interfere with another.

Now monetize

Making a new web app on Woogloo V3 may be quick and easy, but now comes the hard part of marketing and selling it - problem solved. Woogloo V3 has its own built-in app store (the WooStore) for marketing and selling your Apps, Gadgets and design Templates to anyone with a Woogloo V3 website. The WooStore is simply a tab on the Commad Center Gadget, available on every page of every Woogloo website and app.

Just changing the For Sale property on any Gadget, App or Template from no to yes automatically and instantly makes it available for sale through the WooStore. Add a short description and, via a WYSIWYG editor, a rich full description with screen shots and more, then leave the hard work to our global Reseller network to get it sold.

Our clients are always crying out for new Gadgets, Apps and design Templates, including custom built ones. So get a Woogloo V3 website for yourself, and start programming. If you have what it takes, we will promote your skills back to our Reseller network for custom development and design work.



drag footer gadgets here


SME Businesses
Website Design
Business Systems

The Platform
Business Systems

Web Designers
Design Interface
CMS Platform
Sell Templates

Web Developers
RAD System
Core Apps
App Store

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© copyright 1998-2025 Yehaa Trading Trust (T/A Woogloo). All rights reserved. Powered by: Woogloo V3


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