Selling online has never been easier - and oh so pretty!
e-Commerce Plus
For selling online to truly transform your business one needs the complete business solution - introducing a Woogloo.
Designer Friendly
When design and layup is everything - your Woogloo V3 gives you that and more.
Size options, color options, price options, or just the option to have an option - it's your choice.
Prices Galore
Need quantity price breaks, price changes on variations or prices set just for one important customer or a whole group of customers? Your Woogloo V3 does it all and more.
Image Gallery
Need more than one image? Maybe you need to show color options. Now you can build an entire gallery of images for each product.
Freight & Handling
Full automation of freight & handling charges with an Woogloo V3's inbuilt freight calculator.*
Payment Options
Pay by... whatever. Incuding choosing internationally recognised automated credit card processing systems.
Developer's Dream
Need something we haven't thought of? Woogloo V3 is a full development environment open to anyone to build any type or size of solution with no limitations, but without having to start from scratch.
e-Commerce Plus
A website without e-commerce at best represents a massive wasted opportunity and can also become more detrimental to a business than having no website at all. For that reason, since version 1 Woogloo's have always had e-commerce functionaity as a standard feature at no extra cost.
Over the years we have learnt that there is a minimum threshold of requirements to making an e-commerce website successful in today's web savvy world - and that threhold is growing higher by the year. For example, in the past having products available to buy online was enough. Now, however, accepting credit cards is a must and top notch customer support is crucial to follow-on business.
This level of support, where the number of clients you are dealing with (including sales leads) is in the thousands, is only possible via powerful integrated business systems.
Every Woogloo V3 comes complete with: Connect (a CRM system); Invoice (an online automated invoice and statement system including a Point of Sale (POS) system); Stock (a fully featured stock management system with soft warehousing); and Account (a fully featured accounting system). We call this e-Commerce Plus.
Designer Friendly
Standing out from the crowd and looking highly professional is key to gaining business in this fast changing and very demanding market. many e-commerce systems have a one-size-fits-all approach to design. Woogloo V3 gives you almost unlimited choices around the lay-up and design of your e-commerce system. In fact, we believe it will be very hard for anyone to tell you are using a Woogloo V3 system just by looking at the e-commerce and product lay-up.
Options include, but are not limited to: choosing an in-page or pop-up shopping trolley. Type face, font size, line height, font color; border width, colors and radius; box drop shadows and opacity; image size and shape (including automated cropping and thumbnailing), position and border options; and, of course, dragging and resizing any Gadget to fit perfectly on the page to suit the site's overall lay-up.
Everything has been considered - even the checkout is configurable.
On your Woogloo V3 you can add unlimited variations - e.g. size, color, type, etc. - including price variations - e.g. small is $20 and large is $25. It is quick and easy to add variations and link them to pricing options.
Because every product can have multiple variations, you can easily reduce the number of products displayed on your website to make it simplier for customers to find and buy the products they are after.
With this flexibility, there is no type of product that cannot be sold via your Woogloo - without requiring any customistion of the e-commerce system.
Prices Galore
The pricing matrix on Woogloo V3 allows previously unheard of flexibility. Every product can have it own unique matrix of pricing options: quantity price breaks (e.g. <10 units are $20 each, 10 - 20 units are $18 each, etc.); prices linked to variations (e.g. small is $20 and large is $25, etc.); unlimited date ranged special prices (e.g. from 1/3/2012 - 31/4/2012 a special prices is displayed), great for automating seasonal sales; discounted rates for specific User Groups (e.g. Trade Customers get a 20% discounted price when they log into the website); prices calculated automatically off the base prices (e.g. base price x 10, or base price + 10, or base price - 10), which makes it easy to simply update the base price to recalculate the entire price matrix for all or just a range of products.
This type of flexibilty also means you can set-up catalogues just for one important client, or one group of clients as well as run a complex online ordering system for your trade customers - again, no customisation required.
All prices can have Sales Tax (values for Sales Tax name and percentage are settable) included, excluded or turned off altogether. You can also set a product to display POA or N/A as required so you can take advantage of all the great features of the e-commerce system without requring to actually display pricing data online.
Image Gallery
Every product can have it own unique gallery of images: whether you are displaying the differences in color variations, size variations or types of products, you can easily build a gallery of images to suit.
Images are automatically resized (according to the resize settings applied for the gallery), reduced to 72dpi (needed for displaying an image on a website) and converted to RGB (again, required for a website). This leaves the hard work of adding images to products to be left to your Woogloo. You just take a picture and upload it - easy as that.
With 100MB of disc space included in your hosting fee, you can easily load 3000-5000 product images onto your website at no extra cost.
Freight & Handling*
The Woogloo V3 in-built freight and handling calculator can automate the calculation of freight for each product, according to a global range of settings. Whether you want to calculate based on a percentage of the overall order value or based on the weight of each individual product, this system does the job.
You can set-up unlimited regions across your 'home' country as well as create settings for two other country regions (e.g. have New Zealand as the 'home' country with multiple geographical regions - based on city, sate/region/provence; Australia as the next nearest country and The rest of the World with its own settings).
Because Woolgoo V3 is integrated into Google Maps, all client entered addresses are automatically normalised to ensure the data entered and spelling of names is correct. Clients only need to start typing their address data and the address finder does the rest - including fillin in all the fields for them.
Clients can also store multiple delivery addresses in the system and easily choose the one that best suits this order.
Payment Options
You can enable clients to pay by: invoice, cheque, internet banking and, of course, credit card using an automated payment gateway like Payment Express (DPS). Every payment type can have it own instruction text set for it - quickly and easily.
Payment Express is already fully integrated into the Woogloo V3 system with an in-page secure payment window to make it quick and easy for your customers to pay for their order without having to leave the checkout page.
Other payment gateway options can be made available if required, please discuss this with Woogloo or your Reseller.
Developer's Dream
As the Woogloo V3 system is a devlopment environment - in fact the Woogloo V3 e-commerce solution was built using Woogloo V3's own browser based development environment - then anything you require, no matter how 'out there' can be quickly and easily custom built for you by your own staff, outsourced contractors or by Woogloo itself.
With the existing powerful e-commerce systems, as well as the primary core Apps (Connect, Invoice, Stock and Account), any customisation needs only be a modification or addtion to the current high-end solutions supplied. This 'foundation' therefore makes light work of what would otherwise be an expensive process on any other platform that does not have these top end systems already developed. Also, all of Woogloo's systems have been matured and proven in a global market - so you know you are building on a solid and proven base.
*NOTE: this system is still in development.