Turn your customers into raving fans with Woogloo V3's powerful user registration and CRM systems.




The ability to build and maintain your fan base easily and effortlessly.
The control to grow and manage your business' most vital resource - your customer database.
Woogloo ID
A universal ID for creating a safe, fully integrated (system-to-system and business-to-business), spam free environment for you and your customer.
Woogloo V3 custom forms give you the ultimate in flexibility to gather and utilise meaningful information.
Your Woogloo V3 comes with an integrated, easy to use registration system that will assist you to build and maintain your fan base easily and effortlessly.
We have all heard of on-line social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, etc.) and some of our clients have even managed to tackle the growing phenomena by joining in with one or two. However, few people have found an effective way to utilise those resources to sell more product, grow their database, find more clients or leverage it in some way to turn time and money spent into profits.
By directing people from a social media site to your own website, with its simple registration functionality, you will be able to encourage, cajole or motivate people to join your fan base. Utilising your Woogloo's built in Client Relationship Management (CRM) system (called Connect) you will have the ability to communicate in an effective way with them, thus leveraging off your efforts. Your Woogloo V3 puts the control back at your finger tips to grow and manage your business' most vital resource - your customer database.
With Woogloo V3 you will have access to one of the most powerful, easy to use, fully integrated, CRM systems on the planet.
Most savvy business people recognise the need for an up-to-date database of their customers both past, present: including prospects. However few find an effective way to manage and leverage this data. Without an effective tool to gather people’s information and then utilise it businesses fall into the trap of ignoring their best asset in the business – their database.
You will have ready access at any time to your database. You will be able to create user groups at the click of a button and send targeted, meaningful information to these user groups. With your Woogloo V3 you will truly get an easy solution to the elusive problem of creating a fan base or database and utilising it to your advantage - at no extra cost!
Woogloo ID

With a growing awareness of on-line privacy and security issues, further tightening of the spam laws worldwide and the need for businesses to have more robust collection of data systems in place Woogloo has risen to the challenge by creating a universal ID for users on the V3 platform - called a Woogloo ID.
The Woogloo ID provides your customers with the security that Woogloo is dedicated, and bound by law, to ensure their information is kept private and that all anti-spam laws are adhered to. Every user added to a Woogloo V3 website, be it via the website or the CRM system, gets to verify their email address. This ensures issues with data entry and out-of-date email accounts are spotted early. What is more, when a customer updates their data (e.g. by making an e-commerce transaction), their data is updated across all V3 websites - thus ensuring user details are up-to-date.
The Woogloo ID also provides you with the ability to integrate, fully or partially, your business with another within the V3 system. For example your supplier can, with the click of button, enable you to e-commerce all of their products on your site. No need to reformat, import pictures or spend hours writing product descriptions.
The Woogloo ID universal ID is the market leader creating a safe, fully integrated (system-to-system and business-to-business), spam free environment for you and your customer.
With your Woogloo V3 you have access to easy-to-add, easy-to-use and easy-to-customize custom forms that you can drag and drop onto the website. These can have as many or as few fields as your heart desires - simply using drag and drop.
This gives you the ability to truly gather meaningful, current information about your customers. Not only can you collect the standard name, email address, phone number, etc. but you can also find out more about your customer – ask them anything from what sausage flavour they prefer to what they think about your products and service. Create on-line booking forms, join our club forms, customer query forms, any type of custom form under the sun simply and effectively.
You can then use this information to create meaningful, targeted marketing to specific groups based on the information you have gathered. With the Woogloo V3 custom forms built into your website you have the ultimate in flexibility to gather and utilise meaningful information.